Metaphysical Classes

Sacred Geometry I

Learn the universal language of God and Nature! In this foundational class, you will learn to connect with these sacred geometries and use them to create safe, protected, light-filled spaces in your home, work, or when you travel!

Energy Exchange: $150

Upcoming class: March 9, 9 am to 1 pm, Pleasant Hill

March 18, 9 am to 1 pm, Pleasant Hill

Astral Travel I

Learn to expand your consciousness beyond your physical body to travel anywhere in the known universe! In this class, you will learn how to safely travel in the astral realm to gain knowledge, understanding, and enlightenment to assist with your spiritual progression.

Energy Exchange: $150

Upcoming class: March 9, 2 pm to 6 pm

Sanctuary Meditation

Learn to connect with your Higher Self! In this class, you will be handed down this meditation technique to access your personal sanctuary and meet with your Higher Self so you can create a deeper relationship and receive guidance for your highest good.

Energy Exchange: $50

Next class: TBD